
Butoh WS 6

「祝福と受難」 Maria was born in Israel. When she gave birth to a boy, she was congratulated by everybody and she was very happy. But thirty years later, that boy was crucified. The boy is Jesus Christ. Maria grieved over her son’s death a…

Butoh WS 5

「喜怒哀楽」 In Japanese, “Kidoairaku” is about the four emotions, delight, anger, sorrow and pleasure. In your next dance, put these elements in your dance. [Music : Portrait 3]

Butoh WS 4

Next, let’s dance in a larger space... beyond the wall... all the way to the United States or Europe... to your country. Under your feet, deep, deep down in the earth, you might even reach Brazil or other countries.

Butoh WS 3

「本質と存在の奇跡的融合」 These are Tatsumi Hijikata’s words. Tatsumi Hijikata said, “Butoh dance is a miraculous combination of essence and existence.” “Essence” is about things that do not change. “Existence” is about things that change…

Butoh WS 2

叫び We will dance to the same piece of music again. Just stand again, but this time please put this kind of screaming expression on your face, like this Francis Bacon painting. At some point use this expression in the next dance. --------…

Butoh WS 1

—あなたがたは作品である— First, just stand still. Every one of you is a work of art. So simply stand still during the first piece of music.

Butoh WS

—静けさを踊る— Next, we will dance to Silent Night. Once a photographer from Magnum Photos came to this studio to shoot some photographs of me. Actually, he had just been to Sudan to document the horrors of the savage civil war and he gave…

2019 舞踏稽古 17

次はマリアカラスの歌を二曲かけます。 大野一雄もよく踊った曲です。 皆さん、お一人ずつ、このティッシュをとってください。 そのティッシュを手と手の間に挟んでください。 「紙一重」日本のデリカシーのことです。 このことを感じながら踊ってください。…

2019 舞踏稽古 16

舞踏では重さは大切です。 重さを感じることが大切です。 舞踏がうまれるまで、踊り、つまりダンスは軽さをあらわすものでした。 哲学では人生は重い。。とも言いますね。 さぁ、その水の入ったバケツを持って その重さを踊りましょう。 ー ー ー ではそのバ…